
Monday, November 7, 2011

Today I wish for:
10 Tibetan Silver spacer beads

10 Tibetan Silver spacer beads.

Ornament of Rolled Paper and Champagne colored Fabric, Christmas Tree Ornament- FREE SHIPPING in November

Christmas Tree Ornament:

Rolled Paper and Champagne colored Fabric 

blue felt beads      Jewelry felted beads(10 pieces)For Acessories,Jewelry,Toys...Cristmas Decorations   Hand Dyed Felted Bead Necklace - AOOK Khaki Handmade Wool Jewelry - ready to ship 

Blue Felt Beads                    Felted Beads                        Felted Bead Necklace

   First I would like to start with the where and how I found these items then what appealed to me about them. All were found on Etsy by searching beads. I then jumped from page one (all very nice pieces) to the end page and began looking from end to beginning. In the tibetan silver spacer beads I enjoyed the contrast between the silver and the black of the design. The design is appealing because of the way it leads the eye through the piece with the soft curves. The ornament is just sentimental to me, my grandmother used to make  beads in this style with wall paper. The felted beads and how the pieces were made appeal to the knitter in me. I have seen so many felted items that I don't know why these surprised me. I think it is the size and the detail that goes into them.

Well I hope you enjoy....

1 comment:

  1. I like the items on your wish list especially the blue felted earrings they are so pretty.
